Welcome To «Scrap Magia»
Online Store!
"Scrap Magia" is a manufacturer of beautiful and high-quality chipboard, clear polymer stamps and stencils by unique designs. We sell a wide range of products for scrapbooking and other crafts at affordable prices. We offer each client an individual approach, the best delivery option and reliable packaging of orders. We also have a nice discount system, and a free shipping!
Promotions, Giveaways And
Creative Projects!
In VK group vk.com/scrapmagia you can place an order for our chipboard and stamps, take part in giveaways and joint purchases, present your creativity in the monthly gallery of works using our products and win prizes! Subscribe to always be aware of our new products and be inspired by creative works of the best masters!
Favorable Terms Of Cooperation
For Stores And Joint Purchases
We offer excellent discounts for wholesale buyers and organizers of joint purchases for our chipboard! Chipboard "Scrap Magia" has proven itself well with our customers and is represented in many well-known scrap stores in Russia. Make your order today and get up to 100% profit with our products! Wholesale discounts are valid for chipboard orders just from 2000 rubles!
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Набор чипборда "Морские раковины и морская звезда" 5 элементов ЧБ-3856
Набор чипборда из 5 элементов.
35.00 р.
Набор чипборда "Лестницы с листочками тыквы и завитками" 3 эл. ЧБ-3971
Набор чипборда из 3 элементов.
70.00 р.
Чипборд "Гирлянда с якорем, спасательным кругом и морскими звездами" 80х32 мм ЧБ-3885
Размер 80х32 мм.
40.00 р.
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Нож для вырубки Fantasy "Новогодний узор 5 -2018 " размер 10.3*5.3 см Артикул: FD-641
250.00 р. 310.00 р.
"Mr.Painter" BPL-25 Дырокол для декора края 2.5 см 01 "Лепестки"
Применение: вставить лист бумаги в специально предназначенное для этого отверстие, надавить на рычаг..
415.00 р. 490.00 р.
1/2 Набор бумаги "Hello, Fall" DB0023-A4, A4, 6 двусторонних листов, пл. 190 г/м2
336.00 р. 420.00 р.